Visit Tioman and you will notice a bunch of other islands both east and south of Mersing, the mainland pier town. Pulau Sibu is one of the southern ones - it is much more easily accessed from Tanjung Leman which is 45 minutes closer to Johor Bahru than Mersing.

(from the north)

Apart from Sea Gypsy Village there are two other resorts on this beach - Sibu Island Cabanas which was in ruins when I visited and Kambou Bay which didn't seem to be operating (although it may on the busier weekends). If you click to expand image you can see in background the headland which separates this beach from the smaller one of Sari Pacifica.

From Google's image and what I saw from my snorkelling trip boat the main beach seems very similar in size and appearance to Sea Gypsy's. One resort here - the Twin Beach Resort.
BTW this is an oblique angle shot from the north - the beach is actually longer than in image - at 700m actually a bit longer than Sea Gypsy.
When I was trying to find a resort in this area which was easy to book (my bank is not interested in sending Malaysian ringgit cash transfers) I gained the impression there were only 2 resorts on the island. Which shows how thorough my research was - there are in fact 8, although it looked like 6 were actually operating during my visit.
This is an interesting place. Its chalets are minimalist - no aircon, mostly no hot water, south sea island style with no closing windows/doors - but the resort itself has to be classed as lower midrange in price, food, service etc. And a pretty sweet place too.

I didn't get a shot of the dining room but it was similar to the bar in style/materials/construction with window cut-outs for nice views adjacent most tables. All breakfasts (simple buffet style) are served here plus lunch and dinners when it is crowded or storms threaten.
Crowded times are usually at weekends when dinner and lunch tend to also be buffet (BBQ Saturday nights) - at other times the meals are set-menu 3 course lunches and 4 course dinners. I thought these were very good - taste, presentation and service at restaurant standard rather than the cafeteria style many resorts tend to have. Style is western - 100% of the guests during out stay were western tourists or expats.
Rimba seems to take extra steps to allow expats maximum time on the island. They were very flexible with their boat times (the only problem can be access to/from the beach at those extra low tides which are associated with full moon/no moon) and seemed to allow weekending guests to stay in their rooms past lunch on Sundays - this can be a bit of a hassle if you are incoming Sunday morning as we were, but fortunately quite a few weekenders had already left and they slotted us into another chalet almost immediately. Hey, we stayed in our room at no extra charge past lunch on the day we left - although it was mid-week and the place was lightly booked.
Overall I thought Rimba a pretty good place in a nice location. Extra praise must be given to the staff, largely Brits when I visited - cheerful and efficient. Carly, chief organiser, was very good.
This is a bigger resort and seems to have a wider range of chalets including more family sized ones - plus a number of elcheapo A-frames aimed at the backpacker and diver market.

This place is a step up from the other resorts - calls itself a boutique resort and seems to be truly in the mid-range. The resort is spread right across its 300m bay with beachfront chalets plus a number of attractive hillside bungalows.

I'm really kicking myself for not getting across here to check it out. The place looks real nice on its website - similar standard to Rimba/Sea Gypsy but with a fair few aircon options.

Are they tents behind the beach at right? Might be clearer when image is clicked to expand.
This is a slightly oblique shot - I have it tilted to favour the near beach - but trust me, any beach on the far side near the pier is pretty skinny.
These places are located on a small bay on the island's west coast - the only resorts on this coast. They seem to be aimed largely at the domestic market which could make them an interesting location for westerners. Coconut Village seems to target keen fishermen.



Because it is on the smaller separate Sibu Tengah I won't go into detail except to say the website shows an international standard resort in a nice location. Being the only place on Tengah gives it exclusivity - whereas the similar standard Sari Pacifica has access to 2 other resorts and budget food etc within 15 minutes
I don't pretend to have exhaustive knowledge of Sibu snorkelling. I snorkelled the fringing reef off Rimba resort and went on their snorkelling boat trip to Pulau Lima, a small islet about 10km south-east.

I was a bit disappointed with their quality of coral and fish both off the beach and on the reef drop-off some 70m from the shore. The best stuff was actually slightly behind camera adjacent to the rocks, 30m out. Overall standard was inferior to that on Redang, Perhentians, Tioman and Kapas on the same trip.
Snorkelling off Rimba's beach was similar. The first 40m sees lots of dead and broken coral although there is no shortage of fish. I decided to go right out to the drop-off which unfortunately is a good 150-200m off the sand - check the yacht pic two shots from the end - you can see the reef edge buoy just a bit this side. If you haven't got fins this is a good work-out. I thought some sections of coral out there was as good as Pulau Lima, but once again nothing to write home to mum about. But you have to remember I'm a bit of a jaded snorkeller - having seen the world's best often, other places fail to excite.
Sibu websites mention trekking routes - in the plural. I did one, from Rimba to Sea Gypsy. This takes 15-20 minutes through pretty good jungle, no sustained slopes, lots of roots etc underfoot but you would get away with light-weight sandals.

The other possibility I can think of for a jungle walk is Coconut/Junansa to Sea Gypsy. Google Earth shows a track leaving the clearing behind the small beach near the former and heading east into the jungle - there is a saddle in that direction between the high hills, the other side of which is Sea Gypsy.
This entails getting to Tanjung Leman where the various resorts have ferries or speedboats to take you the relatively shot distance to the island - 20 minutes. There is a public ferry which would go to the village which is a fair distance from most of the resorts. The crossing can be very smooth or quite rough, be prepared to get wet just in case.
The accommodation websites have details of both how to get to Tanjung Leman and when their boats pick up.
Many resorts run shuttles from both Johor Bahru and Singapore - Rimba's charge in June 2011 was rm80/140 - that was for a couple not per person.
It is possible to do much of the journey by bus - Sea Gypsy's website is very good about this option.
Taxis cost was around rm140 from the TJ end - probably a bit cheaper from JB.
Because the island is popular with Singapore expats/residents and local holiday -makers/weekenders who drive, the little harbour at Tanjung Leman has an excellent and quite spacious carpark - rm8 per day. Once clear of the causeway at JB drivers are looking at about 90-100 minutes.
From Mersing the 45km would probably cost around rm50-60 in a taxi. There is a local bus which wanders off in the direction of Tanjung Leman from Mersing bus station, but I don't know what its final destination sign is and I believe it is infrequent.

rm5 is charged for use of the pier - less than $us2.
Google will find a heap of websites on Sibu - one of the more comprehensive is http://www.myoutdoor.com/sibu/

If you are travelling the east coast of peninsula Malaysia you may also be interested in nearby Tioman plus the Perhentians, Pulau Redang and Pulau Kapas which is the best island I have visited in years.
Perhaps you are interested in LANGKAWI too - although one side of the peninsula is usually in wet season when the other is in dry. However Langkawi's wet seasons are usually more benign - it is more an all year resort.
If you have any questions, please ask them in THE FORUM rather than below. I don't get a chance to check all threads daily, but unless I'm travelling I'll try to monitor THE FORUM regularly.
If you visit Sibu and want to keep us up to date with a few words and pix in aTRIP REPORT, check the advertisement-free READERS' TRIP REPORTS section to see how. Your report will be mentioned on and linked from this page.
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